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Text: Eta Matsinhe

Photo: Yassmin Forte

Edição 79 Maio/Junho| Download.

Broccoli – A small tree

As a garnish for poultry, red meat, or grilled fish – prepared by the hands of a renowned chef or cooked in the comfort of our own kitchen – broccoli is always a guarantee of a delicious meal. Sautéed in olive oil and seasoned with salt, pepper, and herbs, baked in the oven or simply steamed, with its hearty texture and mild taste, broccoli provides a perfect balance to the composition of flavours in dishes, making them tastier, more colourful and nutritious.

Whether it’s the single-headed (also known as ninja) or the branched variety, broccoli can be easily included in everyday meals. It is versatile, can be consumed in salads, stir-fries, soups, or even pies, and has no great demands in its preparation process. What few people know is that the whole plant is edible, from the stem to the flowers and leaves.

For those who practice some form of physical activity and follow a diet, broccoli is a must-have in menus prepared by nutritionists, as it has low calorie content and a high concentration of nutrients and fibre.


With the appearance of a miniature tree, this vegetable is rich in nutrients (vitamins A, K, C, B1, B2, and B6, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc), and its consumption brings many benefits to the body, such as reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and helps in combating premature aging, contributing to the prevention of osteoporosis, arthritis, gastritis, and diabetes.

Broccoli, along with cabbage, cauliflower, and watercress, belongs to the cruciferous family standing out more due to the high concentration of iron they possess. Sensitive and with little durability after harvesting, if you want to have them in large quantities at home, it’s best to store them frozen so they don’t lose their properties.

Edição 79 Maio/Junho| Download.


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