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By: Maria de Lurdes

Photos by: Mauro Pinto

Issue 70 Nov/Dec | Download.

Eusébio Matimbe – An inflight life

He used to prepared meal plans for all Mozambican Airlines (LAM) flights. He was also responsible for drawing up the annual list of all equipment for use on board. Having retired five years ago, Eusébio Matimbe had a professional career of 35 years.

He joined LAM in mid-1976, after a public recruitment process. However, only in the 80s did he become the inflight head officer’s assistant. “I became responsible for the inflight when my boss had to stop working. After him, I was the one who had experience in that area.”

With a certification in general mechanics at the Industrial Institute and passionate about the arts, Eusébio Matimbe had the privilege of travelling a lot. “I almost know the entire world,” he says, who has accompanied several presidential flights. “When Joaquim Chissano, for example, toured several countries, shortly after becoming President of the Republic, he was there too. We went to Asia, Europe, America,” he says.

Born in Maputo, district of Namaacha, Matimbe, 71 years old, carried out his duties with vigour. “I spent more than 35 years working at LAM, having even had a rejected retirement request. I feel satisfied with the journey I had.”

Issue 70 Nov/Dec | Download.

1 Comment

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  1. Dan Healy
    2 years ago

    Nice human interest story. Mr. Matimbe looks like a kind and humble man, and no doubt had a significant impact on your operations. Wishing him well, and many more journeys in his retirement.