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By:Hermenegildo Langa

Photo by: Yassmin Forte

Issue 67 May/Jun | Download.

Francisco Miambo – “It is an honour to be part of LAM’s staff”

“I am fairly stable and I have achieved my dream of owning a home.”

Satisfaction, transformation and fulfillment are the words that best describe the professional career of Francisco Miambo, an employee at Mozambican Airlines (LAM) since 1987.

Born in Maputo, Miambo joins LAM through his grandfather, Martins Cuba, at the time an employee of the former flag company, DETA, to work as a waiter. After that, it soon bore fruit. “I was promoted to administrative officer”, a role that I still perform today.

With satisfaction and gratitude, Francisco Miambo considers himself an accomplished person. “My life has changed. Nowadays, I am fairly stable and I have achieved my dream of having a home of my own, among other assets,” he says. That is why, for Miambo, “it is an honour to be part of this company’s staff.”

Issue 67 May/Jun | Download.



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