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Text By: Elton Pila

Photos by: Jay Garrido

Issue 66 Mar/Apr | Download.

Whole memory

The name of the venue – Lugar e Meio (which translates as “A Place and a Half”)- seems to invoke the TV show “Two and a Half Men”, in which Charlie Sheen plays a playboy, the dream of any 18-year-old man. The caipirinha, which we would taste a little later, also brings us this memory of going through our late teens: the parties at the end of high school, the first nights out, the first passions and first disappointments. This whole memory is even more pronounced when we are at Lugar e Meio, on Avenida Francisco Orlando Magumbwe, in Maputo.

The caipirinha, which we would taste a little later, brings us this memory of going through our late teens.

Although there are those who prefer not to see the process of preparing what comes to their plate or glass, watching the preparation of a caipirinha is a show that improves the experience of what we are going to drink. The bartender slicing the lime like a swordsman, using a mortar and pestle, the sugar finding the bottom of the glass, the ice cubes (how we wish they were diamonds!) filling the glass and the cachaça seeping through it – all these images make a caipirinha more than just a drink. And for those who do not consume alcohol, cachaça can be replaced by mineral water or soda. A toast to the entire memory!

▶ How to get to the “Lugar e Meio” restaurant:

Issue 66 Mar/Apr | Download.


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