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Text by: Hermenegildo Langa

Photo: Ricardo Franco

Issue 66 Mar/Apr | Download.

A passion turned into success

“As a result of my dedication, I was Head of the Promotion and Advertising Office.”

 A dream motivated by conjuncture and the fascination for aircraft come true. This is the story of Sarita Adade Muage, born in Mocímboa da Praia, in the province of Cabo Delgado, on 29 October, 1961 and who, at the age of 11, developed a taste for flying, as a result of the need to travel to study in other provinces.

However, Sarita’s first professional experience was not with flights, but at the Sociedade Geral de Refrigerantes (SOGERE), where she worked for six years until, in 1989, she was drawn to LAM. There, she first worked as a Microfilming Technician until the extinction of that department, then she moved to the Financial Department. “I worked in this directorate for three years,” she reveals.

Fruit of her dedication and competence, Sarita is invited to assume the position of Head of the Promotion and Advertising Office, where she remained for ten years.

Despite being “a huge pleasure”, working at LAM was also challenging for Sarita, especially in this last position. As she tells us, “here the challenges were more engaging” because, in addition to this position, she is also part of the “Care Time” team (assistance in emergency situations), she is the Health and Safety at Work Focal Point and also the Women Coordinator in the company’s Union Committee.

There were several noteworthy moments, but her greatest achievement was a 5-year university degree in Business Management at ISCTEM, which she took at night, through LAM, in 2000. And “the interaction with several personalities, from mature to immature,” the source adds.

Issue 66 Mar/Apr | Download.


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